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3 Scenic Motorcycle Rides In Connecticut – Carter Mario Law Firm

Connecticut has some of the most picturesque landscapes you’ll find anywhere in the country. Riders from all over New England, New York, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania visit our state to tour some of the state’s most scenic roads. Several lawyers at Carter Mario are riders themselves and we’ve put together this list of three funContinue reading “3 Scenic Motorcycle Rides In Connecticut – Carter Mario Law Firm”

5 Questions to Ask Your Doctor Before da Vinci Surgery

Are you about to undergo a surgical procedure? If your doctor has told you that she is going to be operating on you using the da Vinci Surgical System, here are some questions you should ask her: What is your experience with this procedure done in this way? You’ll want to make sure your doctor hasContinue reading “5 Questions to Ask Your Doctor Before da Vinci Surgery”

Four Health Issues from drinking Diet Soda in Summer Heat

Connecticut is experiencing a heatwave this week, with temperatures in the 90s and some parts of the state breaking 100 degrees. Proper hydration is crucial to your health, especially if you’re spending any prolonged amount of time outside. Drinking plenty of water is the best thing you can do to help beat the summer heat,Continue reading “Four Health Issues from drinking Diet Soda in Summer Heat”